What we do

We build on your local knowledge to identify the critical strategic issues and draw on our experience and expertise to develop implementable solutions to make the biggest impact for your organisation and your communities.

We believe that ultimately the biggest problems we face – environmental sustainability, economic inequality, social isolation etc – can only be meaningfully and realistically addressed at the local level.

We know that strategic change is a complex and dynamic process that requires:

  • knowledge of trends, threats and opportunities in the operating environment

  • the ability to understand complex financial, industrial and operational matters

  • the identification of potential risks and opportunities

  • the development and negotiation of sustainable solutions that are acceptable to a range of stakeholders.

We work with governments and service providers to help them be more responsive, agile, innovative and operationally effective.


Strategic and business planning

The strategic planning process should both identify strategic directions and lay the foundations to successfully achieve strategic objectives. Fundamentally, strategic planning should clarify and articulate why an organisation exists, what it wants to achieve and how it will do it. A critical (and far too frequent) flaw in strategic planning processes is that they result in bland, useless shelf fillers. We conduct strategic planning that provides both inspiration and concrete direction to guide future activities.


Facilitation of strategic partnerships and alliances

Collaboration between local service providers allows them to continue to maintain the value of a ‘local’ service (including local knowledge, networks, commitment and accountability) while improving competitiveness through improving access, broadening the suite of services, improved strategic direction and economies of scale. We can assist to build and sustain valuable partnership and collaborative activities. We can provide the additional resources and capabilities you need to identify partnership opportunities, build a shared vision and support implementation with a partnership agreement, governance framework, action plan and robust evaluation framework.


Stakeholder engagement

We actively and transparently involve key stakeholders to secure optimum input and maximise engagement and commitment. We know from experience that rigorous and sophisticated analysis is only part of an effective review. We believe that conducting any project is not simply a neutral process of data collection and analysis. The process can (and should) also assist in early engagement of key stakeholders and lay the foundations for a successful implementation of recommended changes. Conversely, implementing an 'off-the shelf' review process may escalate stakeholder concerns and result in resistance to any change program or implementation stage.


Board reviews and corporate governance evaluations

Poor governance arrangements may result in organisations being exposed to considerable financial and reputational risk. Governments, councillors, board members and executives can face intense adverse public scrutiny due to poor performance. For example, a high incidence of preventable adverse events, poor financial outcomes, questionable use of resources, poor clinical outcomes, poor human resource management record etc. We have conducted reviews and developed robust governance frameworks to give decision makers confidence in monitoring organisational performance and long-term financial viability, while also providing the foundation for developing strategies, plans and budgets to ensure ongoing effectiveness and sustainability.


Development of performance measurement and reporting frameworks

Frequently, key decision makers are not provided with appropriate information that integrates performance and financial outcomes, risk management and progress towards, or risks in relation to achieving strategic objectives. We have developed strategic performance monitoring frameworks that consolidate the plethora of available information into a performance monitoring frameworks scorecard that is appropriate to the different needs of different key stakeholders (eg board, executive team, operational managers and funding agencies). A robust performance measurement and reporting framework provides decision makers with useful, understandable and actionable information to make timely, thoughtful decisions.


We recognise the importance of welding multiple policies and funding streams together to create concrete, local solutions to major societal challenges.

We have created concrete, local solutions to major societal challenges. We have over 50 years collective experience successfully addressing issues across a range of areas including:

  • community development and engagement

  • aged care

  • youth services

  • child and family services

  • support to Indigenous peoples

  • public sector infrastructure

  • workforce training and development

  • economic development.

Local government

We support regional and metropolitan councils in their critical role in maintaining and developing the social and economic fabric of regions.


We draw on the depth of experience and expertise of service providers to understand and meet the needs of their stakeholders and sectors.


We facilitate community dialogues – bringing people together to produce local solutions to local problems.


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